Few in contracting have a background or interest in computers. People usually start out doing hands-on work then move up in a company or move on to become contractors themselves.
For most people in construction, it's tough to even know what questions to ask when looking to buy software. Learn more about different kinds of software and what to consider when buying...
On top of software there are computers to buy, setup, network, and maintain. Plus there's software to instal, upgrade, learn, and backups to do. Learn why BuildIT's construction software is different...
Identifying what you want (and need) your system to do can feel like swimming in a blender. It means knowing what software is available as well as understanding its capabilities. Learn what construction processes can be systematized using BuildIT...
Search the web and you'll find hundreds of software packages, they all do different things, in different ways, with prices all over the map. Each claims to be the ideal solution. Learn more about the different kinds of construction software...
Just look at the kinds of problems people in construction face day-in-day-out. They don't need any more headaches. More on killer problems faced by contracting businesses (and how you can reduce and eliminate them)...
It's a lot of work to buy, install, and keep a software system up and running. It's a lot less work with web based construction software...
Scott Hutchinson
1 866 585 5050 ext 1