Technical Stuff

Your free "mini" website in BuildIT - help with getting it set up

Choices to enhance your online business profile

Mini-Website Creator

Don't have a website? Have an outdated website that just sits there?

Having a website is critical if you want to attract more customers, and give prospective customers the information they need to assess your business. A recent post in suggests you budget $5K - $10K for the construction of a website, and $100 - $400 a month for upgrades and maintenance. You can click here to read their article.

With BuildIT, you can get started on a web presence for much less - our Mini-Website is the perfect answer. It's an easy to use website creator that you, yes you, can easily upload photos, images, and descriptions of your jobs/business... in plain English (read: no HTML, programmer stuff, just fill in the blanks and follow a few instructions).

Think of it as an online portfolio to showcase the work you do.

  • No special skills needed.
  • Create your own Mini-Website in 30 minutes.
  • Make changes and update it anywhere, anytime.
  • Even use it as a portfolio to showcase your recent work and connect to it from your main website.

Or we can do it for you

Give us your company logo, address, pictures, some general descriptions, and any "must-haves".

We'll create a 4 page Mini-Website for you. And then you're free to update your site, whenever you wish (it's easy).

For more information or to sign up e-mail:

Promote the name of your business in your email communication (not AOL's, Comcast's, Hotmail's, or Yahoo's)

Here's how: We register a domain name for your company, and point it to your Mini-Website.

Plus we'll create a new email address for you - so all outbound email from your BuildIT account will be marked as coming from your new domain name.

We'll also program your domain name so your inbound email goes right into your account. Now all your email will have your company name on it can can be managed from within your account.

If you have more than one BuildIT user, we'll create new email addresses for them too, so all company email is organized and accessible via the web.

For more information or to sign up e-mail:

 Scott Hutchinson
 1 866 585 5050 ext 1