During the last decade a large number of small and mid size businesses made use of software to increase efficiency and boost profits.
However, construction businesses have not adopted software technology to the same extent as other 'hands-on' businesses (including automotive shops, suppliers, restaurants, and retail stores).
The reasons have more to do with the shortcomings of computers and software than they do with contractors being resistant.
Construction has a track record of adopting technology including cordless tools, air tools, laser tools, fax machines, mobile phones, and more.
So, what has prevented contractors from using computers to the same extent as other businesses?
For one thing, it's been difficult for contractors to understand how computers can help because computers and software have been mismatched with their real needs.
Construction software that:
- is geared to managing information by the job/project (not by the transaction)
- can be accessed by people in different locations
- can do a wide variety of things (without learning a dozen different packages)
- can store information generated by other software programs
- can fax information without printing, looking up/dialing numbers, or waiting for fax machines
- can grow with their business
- is easy to use with how to videos (not fat boring manuals)
- is flexible and customizable
People have no interest in dealing with something they perceive as potentially complex unless they see the benefit. Many in construction have seen (and still see) computers as difficult and frustrating - and rightly so they have been.
More on why contractors have sneered at computers, why it's changing, and why you need to be ready...
Scott Hutchinson
1 866 585 5050 ext 1